✨👑Día de Reyes - Three Kings Day👑✨

learning strategies Jan 06, 2022

¡Feliz Año Nuevo y Feliz día de Reyes! (Happy New Year and Happy Kings Day!)

Today is “el día de Reyes”, one of the most magical and special days for children (and adults) in Spain, when presents are opened and the delicious “roscón” is eaten!

And as we bring closure to the long Spanish Christmas celebrations, it seems the ideal day to reflect on how the magic happens.

Because our wishes and our focus become our purpose. And when we turn that into action… We make things happen!

And now that we are starting a new year, it is the perfect time to set goals and establish how much you want to improve your Spanish this year.

A little… A lot… Nothing at all… Be totally fluent… You get to decide!

But even when you know how much you'd like to improve it, sometimes it’s hard to know how to get there. 


Today I want to share with you some key practical steps to help you guide your actions:

Step 1. Define WHAT you want specifically.

Is it speaking Spanish more confidently in daily situations? Understanding and responding quicker in the shops? Having more natural conversations with your Spanish friends?

When we know what we want, we know what to focus on. One thing at a time. 

The more specific, the better.

Because a language is absolutely huge, and unless we chunk it down and carefully select what is relevant in each stage, we’ll likely get overwhelmed and end up going in circles. 

It will feel like you never know enough.

However, when you know what to prioritise, progress will happen much quicker. 


Step 2. Determine how you will go about it.

For example, if you want to improve your conversation

What will you do to have more conversations in Spanish?

As obvious as this sounds, whatever skill you choose to improve, you need to do a lot more of it! 

I have come across many people who desperately wanted to improve their speaking, but they were mostly reading, writing or listening!

Yep, you guessed it… If you want to speak better, you have to speak more. There’s no way around it. 

However, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or frustrating. There are many ways to help with that transition👍


Step 3. Commit to making it happen

This is absolutely key… And the hardest! Because it’s only when we show up and put in the effort that we see the results… over time


Step 4. Measure your progress

Keep looking back at how you were, 2, 4, 6 months in the past. Sometimes we focus so much on where we want to be (and we’re not there yet!), that we don’t realise how far we’ve come. 

When we look back and acknowledge progress, we are encouraged to keep going 🙂


Keep coming back to these 4 steps regularly. They will help you refocus and steer your learning in the right direction.


If you’re thinking that this is the year where you want to give your Spanish a big push, get in touch to find out how our programmes can help you.

👉NEW I am opening up my diary and have some availability for 1 to 1 coaching, but places are very limited so act quick!

Wherever you are in the world, disfruta de este día mágico (enjoy this magical day)


P.S. If you know someone this might help, share this article with them so they can shine in Spanish this year too!👍🌞

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